Banta-Carbona Irrigation District –
Pumping Plant 5
Banta-Carbona Irrigation District (BCID) was established in 1921 and is located in the southwest portion of San Joaquin County, southeast of the City of Tracy. The District serves water to agriculture growing crops such as cannery tomatoes, dry beans, almonds, walnuts, cherries, pistachios, wine grapes, melons, apricots, alfalfa, and olives. The District diverts water from the San Joaquin River under pre-1914 water rights through a seven mile long Lift Canal system that serves water to lands west of the San Joaquin River, approximately 18,000 acres. The existing lift canal system is a series of five pump stations with capacities varying from 200 cfs down to 120 cfs at the last lateral.
Recently, the District replaced three of its old pump stations with Pump Station 5, designed to deliver 140 cfs through three (3) 700 horse-power variable frequency drives controlled pumps for the high head side and 60 cfs through two (2) 125 HP variable frequency drive controlled pumps on the low head side. The three 700 HP pumps deliver water through a 5,000 foot long, 72-inch diameter pipeline to the uppermost canal lateral and ultimately to the Delta-Mendota Canal.
Wave Engineers provided final electrical design, construction services, power coordination and arc flash studies for BCID New Pumping Plant 5, which included the variable frequency drives, NEMA 3R rated switchgear, 2.4kV to 480V transformer, modifications to District's existing 2.4kV electrical distribution system, power monitors, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), radio communications, and additions to the District's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.
Cost of project at complete build-out is estimated to be $8 million.