Kettleman City Community Services District –
Surface Water Treatment Plant Project
WAVE Engineers provided electrical design, power coordination, arc flash safety labels, and continues to provide electrical construction services for the Kettleman City Community Services District (KCCSD) Surface Water Treatment Plant project. KCCSD originally planned the improvements project in two phases with a total cost of $11.1 million. This project addresses the immediate needs of the plant regulatory compliance, community growth and fresh potable water for the City and County.
The rural Kings County community of Kettleman City’s groundwater supply is laced with benzene, unsafe levels of arsenic and a foul smell. The lack of water there has also necessitated a moratorium on new development since 2001. Drinking water has been one of the issues distressing residents of the impoverished farming community of 1,500, which has drawn headlines in recent years because of a spike in reported birth defects.
This project is currently under construction which is scheduled to be completed in July/August 2019. The project consists of two phases:
Phase 1 includes a Water Treatment Plant on a five-acre parcel within Kettleman City. The water treatment facility will provide the community with the ability to treat surface water into a potable water source for community residents and businesses. The plant will use a membrane type filtration system to treat 1.3 million gallons of drinking water per day from the California Aqueduct.
Phase 2 includes a new commercial water tank facility consisting of two 250,000-gallon welded steel water storage tanks near the commercial areas at the interchange of Interstate 5 and Highway 41.
This infrastructure improvement project includes: a raw water pump station; clarifier; chemical systems; microfilter membrane filtration system; treated water booster pump station; backup groundwater wells; storage facilities; backup generator; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system; and radio communications
to remote storage facilities.