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West Stanislaus Irrigation District - (WSID)
Fish Screen Intake Project

WAVE Engineers provided electrical design and will be providing electrical construction, power coordination and arc flash services for the West Stanislaus Irrigation District (WSID) Fish Screen Intake project.  With an estimated cost of $18 million this project should be completed in 5 years.

WSID diverts approximately 350 cubic feet per second (cfs) of unscreened water along the San Joaquin River. The project is needed to minimize diversion impacts to out-migrating anadromous fish on the San Joaquin River without impairing the ability of WSID to divert water consistent with their existing water rights. The new intake facility meets current fish screen design criteria and will be located at the WSID existing intake canal. 

The project includes installation and operation of a new 347 cubic feet per second capacity screened intake with a low-lift pump station located on the bank of the San Joaquin River adjacent to the mouth of the WSID intake canal. The screened intake would replace WSID’s existing unscreened diversion.

The project would also include approximately 2,100 feet of underground pipeline from the proposed pump station to the intake canal; sediment removal and management along the length of the existing intake canal; upgrading existing roads along the intake canal; two wildlife crossings of the intake canal, one of which would also allow flood conveyance; facilities for providing late fall-water deliveries to the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge); and a flood connectivity structure to support the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s management of the Refuge for floodplain reconnection; WSID will not operate the spillway structure as part of this project. Currently this project is under review.

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2233 Watt Ave. Suite 246

Sacramento, CA 95825

ph:  916.488.3425


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